
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Who Was That Girl Beyond The Window Pane? - A Sonnet

Apparently waking for me is a good time for the first lines of sonnets. This is yet another production of early morning inspiration. I though it would be fun to write a silly sonnet after the more serious ones that have been coming from my figurative pen. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had writing it.

Who Was That Girl Beyond The Window Pane

Who was that girl beyond the window pane?
The one with hair just like a chocolate fount
And eyes like emeralds dappled by the rain,
That sparkle like too many stars to count.
My heart is pounding like ten thousand drums
Or trying to escape me from within.
How can this girl be like a bard who strums
My heart as if it were a lyre thin?
Did she see me? Does she know I exist?
Will she come back to catch a glimpse of me?
Why is it so that someone can be missed
With just one look, the see-er no longer free?
Oh look! She dropped an item from her bag.
Our meeting's fate! No time to lollygag.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

He Still Appears Like Echoes In My Mind - A Sonnet

Here is that sonnet I mentioned in my last post. I woke up one morning having the first line of a sonnet perfectly in my head and, because I didn't immediately write it down, all I could remember by the evening was "like echoes in my mind." It comes from the idea of when someone keeps coming to mind when you've tried to put them behind you. Enjoy!

He Still Appears Like Echoes in My Mind

He still appears like echoes in my mind,
Awake, asleep, at times inopportune.
A bond unbreaking, fates perhaps entwined,
From likened cloth, perchance, were we both hewn?
Has he become a spectre, closely tied
To earth, to me through ling'ring memory?
Refusing to release what was denied,
Have I thus cursed ourselves with devilry?
Farewell, my love. Forever now, adieu.
I shall release thee as thou dost deserve
For each man's soul shouldst not be bound anew
When once it has been freed from sin to serve.
May God forgive me for my selfish wish
To keep thee near instead of suffer anguish.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hush Now, My Darling

So ... my challenge effort failed in most epic proportions. However, I have still attempted writing and thus here are the fruits of my labours. I also have a sonnet in the works that I will share hopefully in the near future. This is my attempt at a lullaby.

Hush Now, My Darling

Hush now, my darling, and sleep through the night.
Lay down thy head with the sun's fading light.
Let thy eyes close as the moon starts to rise
And stars twinkle brightly across dark'ning skies.

Dream now, my darling; be bothered by naught.
Worry and fear shall be things long forgot.
Pictures of love and of joy brimming full
Shall come to thee quickly in covers of wool.

Sleep now, my darling, as songs fill thy head,
Melodies soft as thou liest in bed.
God watches o'er thee; his love and joy teems.
You know so does mine. Now good night and sweet dreams.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Writing Challenge - Day 6

He looked down at his hands; they were shaking. He tried to get them to stop but they refused to obey. As he sat there, television rolling in front of him, he could feel his heart mimicking his hands. His breaths grew short and quick, as if his lungs couldn't bear to be full for very long.
"It can't be," he thought. "It can't be."
His hands still shaking, he took the phone in both hands for fear he'd let it drop. Slowly, he typed the numbers and put the phone to his ear. The dial tone rang once.
"Oh good, it's working."
Second dial tone.
Third dial tone.
"Maybe his phone's on vibrate and that's why he's not picking up. That's got to be it."
Fourth dial tone.
"Come on, Kurt. Come on."
Fifth dial tone.
"Hello?" answered a strange male voice.
His hands had steadied and pulse slowed when the phone had been answered but renewed their activity at the non-Kurt voice.
"Who are you? Where's Kurt?" he demanded with more vehemence than perhaps the recipient deserved.
"Calm down, sir," said the strange voice. "Who am I speaking to?"
"Cameron, Cameron Sturgeon."
"What is your relation to ... Kurt?"
"I'm his brother. Now put him on."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Sturgeon, but that won't be possible."
"No ... no ... it has to be possible. You have his phone so he has to be there. Give him the phone!"
"Mr. Sturgeon, please. I'm sorry to have to tell you this over the phone but ... your brother Kurt is dead."

P.S. So the weekend threw me off my regular routine (well, sort of routine) but hopefully I'll be able to keep up my streak after this.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Writing Challenge - Day 5

Insurmountable, Impossible
Running, Falling, Failing
Repentance, Salvation, Justification, Sanctification
Running, Falling, Growing
Challenging, Full

Friday, September 5, 2014

Writing Challenge - Day 4

Inspired by the legend of Hemingway (or some other famous writer) who wrote a story in six words: "For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn."

Help needed. New coffin. Child sized.
Help wanted. Friendly face. Just once.
Lost mind. Can't find. Need help.

P.S. Yes, this one is legitimately late but I am doing my best.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Writing Challenge - Day 3

Roses are red;
Violets are blue;
I know this is rubbish
But it's the best I could do.

Don't know if you'll read this
Or if you will care
That I've poured out my heart
On the test of dare.

They saw me  look at you
And pulled me aside.
They said that they'd help me
If I gave up my pride.

Of course I refused
Thus paid for it dearly
By writing this poem
That has not come out clearly.

I'm not good with words
But the feelings are true.
If you couldn't guess,
I really love you.

If you think I'm creepy,
Just throw this away.
But if you want to meet me,
I'll be waiting all day.

Writing Challenge - Day 2

(inspiration for story below)

All It Took Was a Look

I remember the day I met him. Father was hosting a party for Mother's birthday and had spared no expense. I missed much of the preparations being away at school. When I asked how it had all come together in my absence, he said he had relied heavily upon a new secretary that I would meet him later that day for dinner. That evening, I came out to the parlour and saw my father sharing a drink with a young man. The man turned at Father calling out to me. “Elsie, this is Arthur Lynthol. Arthur, my daughter Elsie Cooper.”

P.S. This would have been posted yesterday but I accidentally hit the "save" instead of "publish" button.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Let's Try This Again

So ... my initial trial at posting every day failed. However, I am not to be so easily defeated. In the words of a movie: "Why do we fall down, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." Thus am I picking myself up and trying again. I am also going to be amending my earlier challenge with simply posting any kind of writing whether it be haiku, other form of poetry, or short story. Perhaps starting on the first day of the month will help motivate and keep me on track. Only time will tell I suppose.

Subject: Sleep

Closing my eyelids
Like curtains before a play,
Dreams begin their act.

Silent Morpheus,
King of dreams and lord of sleep,
Softly touches me.

I try to begin
"Now I lay me down to sleep"
But it is too late.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Haiku Challenge - Day 1

In light of my revelation yesterday, I have decided to embark on a quest. I am going to write sets of three haikus every day through September 30, starting today. My hope is that each day will have a different subject, but I don't know that I can necessarily guarantee that. Therefore, with my imaginary glass, I raise a toast to aventure and take a large gulp before setting out upon this new-set road. Wish me luck!

Subject: On viewing art at the Festival of the Arts in Laguna

Paintings, drawings, prints,
Sculptures and performances;
Art is versatile.

For child or adult,
All it takes is a small brush,
Paint and a canvas.

Can be clothed in dif'ring forms
And still shine through all.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tea Haikus

I must admit, I like writing haikus. There's a simplicity and elegance in formulating something beautiful in seventeen syllables. Because of my love of structure, I find comfort in its 5-7-5 syllable limitation, yet, aside from that limitation, the possibilities are endless. All this introduction to say, I have written a few more of these lovely little poems, this time on one of my favorite beverages after having an interview at a tea shop. Hope you enjoy them.

As the kettle sings,
Leaves loose their secret fragrance
With a quiet sigh.

Cream and two sugars
Or just natural flavour,
How'd you like your tea?

Into porcelain,
The aromatic stream falls
Amid steaming clouds.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Haikus on Fire

I just back from church camp today and while I was there, I wrote a few more haikus. During our time, a lot of fire imagery was alluded to such as being coals brought to life, the effort and persistence it takes to start a fire by rubbing sticks together, the embodiment of the Holy Spirit as flames. All this fire then brought images from my time at St. Katherine as well as other Bible stories to mind and then requested to be written down. I hope that they are enjoyed as much as they were a joy to write.

Amidst the incense,
Fire burns before Christ's icon
And in His icons.

Before the I AM,
Seraphim alight with love
Sing "holy, holy."

The pillar of fire
Acts as light and protection,
Burning with God's love.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Musings on the Church and Its Branches

The modern Christian church is well known for its splintered nature: the Roman Catholics, the Anglicans, the Lutherans, the Calvinists, the Orthodox, the Pentecostals. It is well known how Christians have hurt other professing Christians because of differences in doctrine, killing in the name of the God of love. Families, communities, and churches have been broken apart because of differences of opinion on scriptural interpretation and church organization. While there have been efforts towards reconciliation or working together for a common goal, the church has remained segmented, often at animosity with other parts of the body of Christ.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 against church division, and what happened in a minor scale in the church of Corinth has happened on a major scale in the church at large. People were claiming Paul as their head, others Peter, others Christ. They splintered off, believing that the pieces of each could not coexist. Today, the church is doing the same. Some say they follow the original apostles, some the Pope, some Luther, some Calvin, some the Holy Spirit. We are no better than the church in Corinth. We have made their struggle one that has encompassed the Church in her entirety.

I do not know how to solve the differences; I am no better than a whistle blowing as a house is burning. But I believe it is better to recognize where we are in the context of history than to ignore or dismiss it because the past may enlighten how to proceed for the future. Lord, have mercy on your church.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Haikus for Spring

Surprisingly, I've taken a recent poetic turn in my writings. I wrote a sonnet, a couple limericks, and a few haikus. I rather liked the haikus and so thought to share them. After some polishing, I may publish the sonnet but only time will tell I suppose.

The cherry tree blooms,
Signaling the come of spring
And love's arrival.

The wind moves through grass
Like love in a maiden's heart,
Playfully gentle.

The blossoms soon fade,
Falling like pastel raindrops
On your hair and face.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sound the Bugle

Prompted by my sister, I am posting some of my older writing. "You have the blog to post your writing, right?" she asked me. And she's right. Predominantly, my finished works are Lord of the Rings fanfiction so here is a piece of writing that I am particularly proud of. The way I wrote several pieces was to take a song and break up the verses and choruses with related story bits. This song is from the movie "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmeron" and, if you read, you'll figure out who it's about. Enjoy! I sure did.

Sound the Bugle
Sound the bugle now - play it just for me 
As the seasons change - remember how I used to be 
Now I can't go on - I can't even start 
I've got nothing left - just an empty heart 

Rising from where he had fallen, Boromir looked around him anxiously. "Frodo?" he called quietly. Not hearing anything, Boromir turned around, hoping to see the Ring-bearer. "Frodo," he repeated, "forgive me." Desperate for the hobbit to hear him, he yelled, "Frodo, I'm sorry!" The steward's son fell to his knees crying bitter tears. What anguish of soul he felt. He had betrayed the very person he had sworn to protect. Not only betrayed but had accused him of thoughts of betrayal, had even cursed him and fellow halflings. How could he have done it? Boromir mourned even more bitterly knowing that Frodo would never see him in the same light, possibly never to remember the noble knight of Gondor with whom he had set out on the journey at the beginning. In his grief, a thought flitted through his mind. He had disgraced Gondor. He, the eldest son of the steward of the White City, the city of kings, had fallen and taken the honor of that city with him. A new feeling of horror and revulsion pierced Boromir’s breaking heart, leaving the pieces now empty of all hope and pride.

I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight 
There's nothing more for me - lead me away... 
Or leave me lying here 

There was nothing left for him now. Without honor, what was a soldier? A warmonger. A murderer. Every part of his being cringed from these ideas. Yet this was what he had done to himself. Hearing the sounds of battle, Boromir was roused from his hopeless reverie into action. He rushed forward with a yell, eyes blazing, sword unsheathed. Perhaps in this his final battle. Yes, it would be his last. In death, there was always honor for a soldier. He would remain here forever to sleep without waking. In death, there would be no condemnation, no agonizing disbelief. He would fade away. The company would leave his body to be taken by the oncoming orcs and they would be right in doing so. For what honor should be given the body of a traitor than to be taken by the enemy?

Sound the bugle now - tell them I don't care 
There's not a road I know - that leads to anywhere 
Without a light I fear that I will - stumble in the dark 
Lay right down - decide not to go on 

As he was fighting the Uruk-hai, Boromir's mind was not following the motions of his body. Instead he was thinking of home. How could he return to Minas Tirith now? Disgraced and dishonored. His father would be harsh with him, he knew, but Denethor would get over it, thinking it some mistake on the part of the fellowship and not any fault of his son's. But Faramir . . . Boromir could not bear to think of what his brother would think of him. His dear brother, the embodiment of all the honor and grace and wisdom of the kings of Gondor to Boromir, would be crushed. To his brother, his idol, a fall from his pedestal would be a blow that nothing could heal. In his mind's eye, the steward's son could see Faramir's eyes fill with inexplicable shock to hear of his brother's doings. Those eyes that had always expressed the younger son's inner emotions. Boromir could not face him, those eyes, with the guilt that now lay darkly and heavily upon him. Even if he said nothing, Faramir would know of it. He had always been perceptive and could read what his brother was feeling no matter how Boromir tried to hide it. Pain in his chest immediately brought him back to Henneth Anuin. He looked down to see a black feathered arrow protruding from his breast. Looking up, he saw the assailant and continued to fight the orcs closest to him. How could he have been so blind as to miss the archer in the group? Truly, he was no longer worthy to be called the Captain of Gondor. No captain would have allowed such a thing. But that title had been stripped from him the moment he had attacked Frodo. He cared no longer as many more arrows pelted him. He would fall here then, far from all those who had retained their honor, amid those who knew not what honor was at all.

Then from on high - somewhere in the distance 
There's a voice that calls - remember who you are 
If you lose yourself - your courage soon will follow 
So be strong tonight - remember who you are

Preparing for his death blow, the steward's son watched, in a haze, a man ram and engage his assailant. When the fight was finished, he was finally able to see his savior. To Boromir's utter shame, it was Aragorn. He who claimed to be the heir to the throne of Gondor. He who had nothing dishonorable in or about him in any way. He would be the one to find the disgraced son of Gondor. Slowly he spoke to the Ranger of the North. "They've taken the little ones!" Again he had failed, failed to keep those innocent halflings from falling into the hands of the orcs. "Stay still," Aragorn told him. But Boromir could not rest. "Frodo! Where is Frodo?" All his thoughts were now focused on the one he had wronged the most. "I let him go" was the reply. Pain ran through him that came not from the arrows. "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him." He could not look his leader in the eyes. Aragorn answered, "The Ring is beyond our reach now." "Forgive me," persisted the dying man, "I did not see. I have failed you all." Comforting the fallen man, the Ranger said, "No, Boromir. You have fought bravely. You have kept your honor."

Ya you're a soldier now - fighting in a battle 
To be free once more -Ya that's worth fighting for

Barely hearing Aragorn's answer, Boromir continued. "It is over. The world of men will fall and all will come to darkness, and my city to ruin." All the despair that had welled up in his heart broke forth in his statement. He could see it now. The White City in ruins and its people afraid and enslaved. Through his nightmare, he could hear Aragorn speaking. "I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall.  Nor our people fail!" Did he truly just hear what he thought he heard? "Our people." Truly, this Ranger deserved to be the hero of the White City, its true hero. Never would he know how much those words rang brilliantly within the fallen man. "Our people." From this man, this seemingly beggar and renegade of the North, he has returned his honor. "I would have followed you my brother, my Captain," yes "my King." And so passed the great Son of Gondor, his honor yet gilding him as shining mail.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Musing

"I thank God for my life, / for the stars and stripes. / May freedom forever fly; / let it ring. / Salute the ones who died, / those ones that gave their lives / so we don't have to sacrifice / all the things we love;"
~ "Chicken Fried" by Zac Brown Band

After years of going to the memorial service of my grandfather's Veterans of Foreign Wars post (VFW), a phrase has stuck with me: "we honour the victorious dead." I find myself thinking of this statement at various points throughout the year. The "victorious dead," an odd phrase referring to those who died in during their time of service. This is especially pertinent for this VFW post that honours a WWII Japanese American captain who jumped on a grenade to save the rest if his regiment. Kazuo Masuda never lived to see the victory he helped to win but he is honoured still for his sacrifice. And so are all who have fallen in the line of duty. Today*, we pay you do honour and respect. We who enjoy the benefits of your sacrifice declare you victorious, even in death, and thank you for the tomorrows we enjoy at the cost of yours.

For those who serve now and those who served and lived, we honour you as well for putting yourselves on the alter of freedom on our behalf. In defense of loved ones and strangers, you have risked all. For that, we are forever in your debt.

Finally, I'd like to personally thank Jichan, Uncle Chris, Jeremy, Mr. Cristetto, Scott, and Luke for fighting, in the past and the present, in my defense and all that I hold dear. I will never be able to fully express my gratitude or repay my debt. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart and promise to never forget what you have done for me.

*I meant to publish this on Memorial Day but didn't get around to posting it til a day later.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

On the River and the Road

I really should get around to writing when I am not requested to if I really want to be a novelist but such is the way life is at the moment. This is a poem I wrote for an event at school that was held on the feast day of St. Christopher. Professor Gaelan Gilbert, who organized the event, asked me to write something with the theme of travel since it was the end of the semester and people would be travelling and since St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers.

On the River and the Road
I read “The road goes ever on and on.”
Great wisdom did it sound, in truth, so I
Upon the threshold stood and looked anon
To see if some small path I could espy
Run forth from hearth to meet expansive sky.
But all was dark and overgrown, much more
Like some great wilderness from times gone by.
I dared not venture forth, alone and poor;
'Tis dangerous to step outside one's door.

On route far off, a man with burden great,
Two beams of wood upon his bended back,
I watched him stumble, fall beneath the weight
Behind a hill. I ran for fear his pack
Had overwhelmed its bearer and through lack
Of strength, the man now lay alone and hurt.
However, I was taken quite aback
To see not man nor beams upon the dirt,
Instead, to find a child very much alert.

The clouds drew cloaks of grey o'er Phoebus' face
And threatened storms with rumbling thunder drums.
I tried to lead the child to a safer place
But he continued on the road, past slums
And farms, past ruling king and man who plumbs,
With something like warm kindness in his eye.
But then he came to where the road becomes
A shore upon the riverbank. Nearby
The ferryman with ugly face rose high.

Upon his shoulders climbed and sat the child.
The man began to cross the river broad
As winds convulsed the waters as if wild.
With every step, the storm grew loud and cawed
While he seemed to lean longer on his rod
'Til midway through, it looked as if they'd sink.
Yet he still walked and reached the shore. I, awed
By strength of will and faith pushed to the brink,
Was left on further shore alone to think.

But lo, the child turned 'round with hand outstretched,
A hand, I saw, which had been scarred by nails.
His eyes drew mine with love and sorrow etched.
The ferryman returned amidst the gales,
Extending to me a hand that never fails.
I took that hand and found myself alone
Beyond the threshold, on the road, with dales
And mountains growing clear 'neath sun that shone
Anew betwixt the clouds that soon were flown.

So there I stood without my haven’s door,
Exposed to all unknowns that could befall,
Whate’er that man or Nature had in store.
Fear gripped my heart with thoughts of pain and gall.
But then a wind blew past my face, a call,
A whisper spoke my name within the breeze,
Which calmed and courage brought to my heart small.
I found I need not be at such unease
When unseen hands will hold in troubled seas.